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What's your body shape?

Although in my previous article i laid out few basic guidelines that navigate you to design your personal style, I feel it’s equally important to understand your body shape. To get the maximum wear of an item and to repeat it for seasons to come, it is essential that you purchase an item that suits your body type.


Before knowing how to dress according to your body type (which will be discussed in detail in further posts), lets understand the basic body shapes

1. Pear shaped

2. Inverted triangle

3. Hourglass

4. Rectangle

5. Apple

Pear shaped body characteristics

· Pear body shapes tend to gain weight around hips and lower body.

· Hips are wider than your shoulder

· A defined waist structure – all thanks to larger hips

· Hips/thighs are likely to be muscular

· Smaller upper half and chest


Characteristics of an inverted triangle body shape

· Shoulders are broader than hips

· Proportion to your body type, bust tends to look large

· Small hips


Characteristics of hourglass body structure

· Clinched waist

· Broad hips and chest

. Bust and hip measurements are roughly even


Characteristics of rectangle

· Hips and shoulders seem to look of similar width

· No defined waist looks

· Can have an average or small or flat bust

· You do not have highlighting curves


Characteristics of an Apple shaped body

· Bust size: Average or small

· No defined waist

· Fat tends to accumulate at the stomach


Does Woman’s body shape change overtime?

As hormonal changes occur with aging, body shape could alter too. The first noticeable change occurs after puberty. As level of estrogen production increases after puberty, it causes fat to deposit in areas such as thighs, hips and breasts. Also, during pregnancy the amount of estrogen levels are high, thus causing breasts to enlarge. However, this is reversed post pregnancy. Having said that, the chances of changing women's body shape over time is not often or is almost very less.

Another factor could be your lifestyle that impacts your body shape.


Can you change your body shape?

Firstly, whatever your body shape is: Love It. Remember that you are beautiful no matter what. Regardless of what someone may tell you, you necessarily don’t have to change your thoughts or believe that a certain body shape is ideal.

However, if you still want to see some changes in your body then dietary habits and workout play a major role.

I am no expert to talk about these in detail. But I can definitely tell you couple of things from my learnings and from what I read and heard about. Diet mentality can impact quality of life. If you are limiting yourself from what to eat and want to track calorie count may be isn't a WOW idea. No matter what, i am strictly against anything that impacts mental health. This is what i learnt very recently

Here's what i learnt and practice.

1. Do not cut down on what you want to eat – that’s not self-control. Thinking you can have a piece of chocolate and have to work out for 30 minutes to shred calories isn’t a great idea. I have read that such practices impact your mental health too. It’s an emotional and uncomfortable topic to discuss.

2. If you want to reach to your comfort food during stress, emotional imbalance or for any sort of reason, kindly go grab it. It’s not a lack of will power. Its said that you eat what you see. Dont believe it? Okay, how many times have you craved looking at that delicious food on Instagram or any other social media? Admit it, we all have done it.

Its said that you eat what you see. So, if you wish to see changes, may be practicing to place healthy choices at right spaces will help you stay fit. If you are someone who would reach out a place in pantry always where you store bag of chips, try to put nuts or healthy snack bars in the front row. There are chances most likely you tend to reach put to nuts rather than a bag of chips that behind the box of nuts.


We know our dietary habits since the day we were born. Yes its true. As we age, some of us only tend to neglect it. To quote an example, a toddler cries for food when hungry and pushes out food when is forcefully fed. Haven’t we all done that as kids? May be we tend to eat or neglect food due to change in lifestyles. Sometimes, we binge eat, sometimes we skip. At times, we try to finish the meal on the plate just because we are taught not to waste. So just try to read your body and that could lead you to a happy turn.

We all know our weak points- as we age, we tend to associate food with emotions. Like for instance, oh I am happy- as part of celebration let me eat cake. Why? Why can’t we eat whatever we want to and whenever we want to. Similarly, some of us grab a packet full of chips or chocolate or anything during exams periods or during presentation or while interviews.

One way to come out of this riddle is to fake to yourself. Yup, remember about ‘Fake it until you make it’? So yeah, use past tense saying ‘I used to eat chocolate under stress’ instead of saying ‘I do eat chocolate under stress’. This works on a long run. Your brain is what you tame.


If you are unable to determine your body shape by understanding the characteristics, then you can opt for online body shape calculator. All you need to know is your bust, waist, high hip and hips measurement.

Below is the link that could be helpful

I am pleased to know your inputs and insights on the topic, which you feel are important and think I missed sharing with all of you.

Comment below and let me know your thought. Hope you had a happy reading.

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